Here is theory I just came up with its called “The Mirror Theory”. The theory
is based on how the mirror can be most be most effective tool in boosting self
esteem and feeling more confident by just spending 5 minutes daily in the
morning in front of mirror and praising yourself. Yes, this seems a little crazy
and may seem foolish but believe me it would worth it. All you have to do is
look at that awesome person in the mirror and give a high five to him.
praising yourself and say all the beautiful things you could think of. Ignore
the little flaws you have and moreover believe that you don’t have any flaws.
No one is perfect everyone has some flaws stop being hard on yourself at least
for those 5 minutes. Because you are what you see in mirror. For ex if you see yourself as an ugly person then you will come out as an ugly personality but if you make sure that the person that lives in the place called mirror is awesome and wonderful then you will probably come out as a strong personality. Its simple.
Show the gratitude. Be thankful for everything you are and
you have. It will increase your self esteem and confidence. All day you will
feel more confident and positive. A little gratitude can change your whole life
and the way you see life. Life is what you see and what you want from it. Your subconscious
mind gets trained by "The Mirror Theory" and you start seeing yourself as a more
worthy person and happiness and success will come to you. Least of all you will
always remain happy.
Practice it a week and tell me how much does it help. J
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