Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam former president of India, a scientist, a teacher, a writer. Also known as Missile man. Most loved president in India. He was a man with warm heart and he was as humble as one can be. A man no one could hate. You will always remain in our heart. A true Legend.
Jai Hind.

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam's few quotes - A True legend

You have to dream before your dreams can come true.
10. You have to dream before your dreams can come true.

It is very easy to defeat someone, but it is very hard to win someone.

9. It is very easy to defeat someone, but it is very hard to win someone.

Don’t take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.

8. Don’t take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.

All birds find shelter during a rain. But eagle avoids rain by flying above the clouds. Problems are common, but attitude     make the difference.

7. All birds find shelter during a rain. But eagle avoids rain by flying above the clouds. Problems are common, but attitude     make the difference.

Dreams is not what you see in sleep, is the thing that doesn't let you sleep.

6. Dreams is not what you see in sleep, is the thing that doesn't let you sleep.    

If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun.

5. Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended.

Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended.

4. If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun.

Don't read success stories, you will only get a message. Read failure stories, you will get some ideas to get success.

3. Don't read success stories, you will only get a message.

Read failure stories, you will get some ideas to get success.

Men need his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success.

2. Men need his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success. 

Success When your signature   changes to Autograph, this marks the success.

1. Success

When your signature   changes to Autograph, this marks the success.

Be success-king!

So let’s learn how to master law of attraction by following simple steps-

  1.    Make a Wish list

Start writing your wish on a paper starting with gratitude. Write whole of your wishes on a single paper. Write down your wishes in the present tense as if you want it right now. Write definite sentence with no if and buts. Sentence should be clear and specific. Don’t put any deadline, just focus on the end result or the final outcome. Don’t worry about how it’s going to happen just keep 110% faith in it and leave whole of the work for universe.

  2.    Ask Universe for it

Make your request from the universe and universe shall answer. Visualize the things you want and feel as if you already have it. Send Universe the picture of what you want. Universe is far more powerful than we can imagine. If you want a car, see yourself driving that car, holding its staring, feeling it. Going out with your family in that car. The more you visualize the better it gets. Never doubt universe.

  3.    Feel it

This is the most important of all points, this where everything starts. Start feeling like you already have what you want. You must act, speak, and think as if you are receiving it now. Sometimes if you do this you don't feel like you need it anymore because you FEEL like you already have it! And then the universe will manifest this thought and feeling and you will receive it.

  4.    Show Gratitude

Always wear a smile on your face. Be thankful for whatever you have and expect more but don’t complain. All what people like to do is complaint and not do anything about their situation. As you feel grateful you shift your focus from problems in life to the things you are grateful for and that’s what needed the most. You will happy and you feel calmness inside your head. Let gratitude be the fuel of your body and you will be a completely changed person. This change will be for good and will be worth it, you will see how your whole starts turning out to be brighter and brighter day by day.

  5.    Trust in Universe

“Have complete faith in universe.” I have been repeating this line a lot because that what people do is they doubt on universe and then complaint that why it isn’t working for them but for everybody. If things don’t happen immediately be patient, don’t lose hope. Keep visualizing it coming to you. Faith and hope is the most important factor that helps you get anything. Without faith you will always end up being unhappy and having nothing.


Paste your wish list on a place where you will see it at least twice a day. Read that list twice a day and repeat all the steps daily. You will see the results coming.

Follow the action plan and say goodbye to half of your worries. For the Rest I’m always there to Help you.

“ All that you need is either already yours or on its way to you, you just need to align yourself with the Universe” – Awesome Aj

If you haven’t heard about Law of Attraction before, your mind is going to get blown away in few seconds. Law of Attraction simply means that “like attracts like” and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results. ‘Thought becomes things’. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from "pure energy", and the belief that like energy attracts like energy. All the successful entrepreneur believes in the law of attraction and believe in the universe with all their heart.

This is most powerful law in the Universe.

There are tons of books written on Law of Attraction but I am going to sum all of them up for you. The law simply means you become what you think. You attract things by what you believe and what you hope for. Universe is very powerful and can give you whatever you want only if you really really want it and have faith in it without any doubt. The whole universe force starts working on it to get you that thing and all you have to do is believe and have complete faith in it. We are using the law every second of every day. You've even attracted reading this article.

This Universal Power of Attraction give you everything you want, happiness, health, wealth, love, relationship, prosperity and in whole complete abundance. The key in making Law of Attraction work for you is in Gratitude.

If you doubt in Law of Attraction it won’t work for you it is as simple as that, you get what you believe in. There are millions of people who have made Law of Attraction work for them and you can be one of them. Are you already interested to make Law of Attraction work for you? Well it can be very simple for some and very hard for some. It will depend how much faith you do have and even a tint of doubt will stop the Universe to work for you.

You want a car? You want a bill from unknown source? You want your Dream job?

You will get it all by just applying the Law of Attraction without any extra efforts. Yes it is true. All you have to do is attract those things towards you.  That is why this is the most powerful law in the Universe.

Knowing Law of Attraction is not the whole point, but knowing “How it Works” and “How to Apply” is the most vital of all.

First let see how it has helped people in their lives-

Back then I was really passionate about racing cars and always dreamt of driving one. All my teenage I was so much into cars that my wallpapers were of racing cars, I used to cut out pictures from newspaper and do all this crazy stuff. But as I did grow old I started believing that I will never have one because my financial condition was not that good. I was working on this company as an accountant and it was quit boring and low paid. I nearly gave up on my dream of having a race car until I heard about the Law of Attraction. It took a series of steps and ultimate believe to apply Law of Attraction and believe me it was worth it. I was doing nothing extra and nothing extra ordinary just believing that I will own a Race car soon and its going to sound little filmy but that’s what happened. My immense desire and hope helped me fulfil my dream. I got this call from my friend asking about my old apartment and his cousin was ready to purchase it at triple price as they had some old story with that house. Because of this I got money from nowhere to buy a race car for myself. How amazing was that? That’s the power of law of attraction.

You can read all such stories online telling how they got something they thought they will never have.

"Pink elephant.." now repeat these words again and again. 

Did you imagined pink elephant?
You most certainly did.. thats how subconscious mind works. Now imagine yourself talking negatively to yourself. What will happen is that your subconscious mind will start looking for negative things around you instead of focusing on what good is happening in your life right now.

So How does positive thinking helps?

Subconscious mind is way powerful than you can imagine. Your negative talk with yourself will start a vicious cycle of negative thoughts and without even knowing you will be trapped in it. So always make sure you have a good positive talk with yourself that will ensure a positive and optimistic outlook of life. Believe in yourself and universe. Universe have always got better plans for you but you have to look for it in the right direction. Train your subconscious mind to look for positive in everything. A head down in disappointment will always miss opportunity passing right in front. 
How does positive thinking helps

Positive thinking plays up most important role in deciding where you will end up. Every successful man was a positive thinker. Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results. Positive thinking is not accidental. Successful entrepreneurs know how to create a positive attitude for themselves. They don't just wait for it to happen.

"Those who say they can and those who say they can't, are both usually right"

These lines are based on this theory only. Not Believing in yourself is the main cause of failure. This answers our question "how does positive thinking helps"!
Never talk negative and always have an optimistic approach.
You will find various definitions and interpretations of success but my personal best is “Success is a failure turned inside out”. Success is not an accident. It is the result of your determination and passion. Success is a journey. Success comes to you when you refuse to give up, when you are ready to die for it and you are ready to give up everything you have got. You become slave to your dream and when you refuse to give up, no matter what. No matter what life put you through. You got to keep moving. You want it? Go get it. Don’t wait for it to come to you.  It’s you and only you that can help yourself. Success doesn't come to those who like to sit around and wait for things to happen. Go stand up and take charge of your life. Those who are ready to take full responsibility of their lives and keep pushing it beyond the limits, those are the ones who gets to taste the success. You have to work hard to be successful.
Success is a journey not a destination. 

Let me save you some time and tell you straight forward if you are not willing to stand up for yourself and follow dream with every last bit left in you till then you won’t be successful. Success doesn't just happens to someone, one has to work for it.

Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done. Now, if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you. You’re better than that!”
                                                                                              -Sylvester Stallone


You should never procrastinate things. Procrastination takes more energy than actually getting up and doing the thing. You can never even come closer to success if you keep on procrastinating things. You are going to miss out every opportunity coming your way. You got to do something? Do it now. Just do it and get over with it. Delaying it even take up more energy than it will actually take to do the work. Try it, next to think of delaying a thing just go ahead and do it and you will realize that it takes a way lot less energy by just doing it. It saves you the mental energy that would have been consumed by delaying it. Train your mind to not to delay things. Stop procrastination. Procrastination is a man's worst enemy. Most of us don't even realize how in our daily we delay small things that train our subconscious mind to delay things which keep us far away from all the opportunities coming our way. So next time you try to delay anything just ask yourself a question.. Who you want to be? A successful man who doesn't procrastinate or A man who lay in his bed and wonders who he could have been!!!!

So Stop procrastination.

Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.
- Wayne Gretzky

Nothing is impossible

Impossible is definitely a word in my dictionary but its a word for cowards and people who will never taste success, the people who are afraid to take risk and bring change in the world. One has to be innovative and should be able to take risk and whiling to move forward and grow in life. People using the word impossible will live a ordinary life and would die without leaving a impact on this world. Ordinary mind make mockery of those who try to accomplish "the impossible", they will try to undermine them. Don't pay attention to these people, they will never achieve anything. Each and every technology we are using these days were "impossible" according to bunch of world. Only few courages people believed in making so called impossible things possible. Impossible is possible for some.

If Wright brothers would have listened to everyone we would still have to travel in trains and it would taken us a lot more time to travel, the globalisation wouldn't have been possible and we would have be living in a whole different world. I could quote here many such examples how the impossible has been done again and again.

So my friends Impossible is possible.

Don't fall in loop of impossible and live your whole life taking risk and trying to breakthrough the impossible.

Self Respect knows no Consideration - Mahatma Gandhi

Respect you efforts, Respect yourself. Self Respect leads to Self discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt , that's Real power - Clint Estwood

Gain Self Respect!

Self Respect is the real key to Happiness. Don't put key to your Happiness in someone else pocket. If you can't respect yourself than who will? God have created you and he can't create any ordinary thing, You are extraordinary. you just have to discover your capabilities. Self acceptance leads to quality attitude and positive thinking. One thing feeds another and everything starts with respecting yourself. Build self esteem(Gain Self respect) and people will start believing in you and will start to follow you. The world needs more Leaders. One of the best quality of leader is that he is confident and confidence is nothing but having faith in oneself and knowing that you can and you will. So the confidence will come from respecting yourself. Whoever you are, what ever you have been, it doesn't matter, accept yourself and if you need to change in order to achieve your goal then change but don't doubt yourself. Know your worth and gain self respect. Set some standards. Have a class. Do nothing that would bring shame to you. Hold your head high in confidence and never cross the fine line between self respect and ego. Give before you take! And then only you shall gain self respect.

You don't fail when you lose, you fail when you stop trying! The day you give up is the day you actually get defeated. "When life gets rough as sometimes it will, rest if you must but don't you quit"

Don't give up!

Don't give up
Just remember the reason why on the first place you started of this journey! Hurdles are important part of journey. These hurdles makes the journey worth a while. You wouldn't appreciate the success if you get it easily. If it was that easy then everyone would have achieved it. Nobody remembers anyone by the person who just tried to do something. No, you have to do something to be somebody.. to earn respect. Most of all the self respect!!! So never give up because of the pain you are experiencing right now, you are already in pain.. get a reward from it! The day you stop trying is the day your dream dies. So just hang on there don't give up just yet.

Don't take your dream to grave with you. Live your dream.

Experience the happiness and pride of accomplishing your dream. Deep down you know that you are capable enough to achieve anything, so don't doubt yourself whenever you fail. Learn from these failures and never repeat the same mistake again! Take one step at a time. Don't try to rush it. Its a series of step that will take you up at the top. All you have to do is take leap of faith. The rest will fall into place for you! You only fail the day you stop trying. So don't give up.
Here is theory I just came up with its called “The Mirror Theory”. The theory is based on how the mirror can be most be most effective tool in boosting self esteem and feeling more confident by just spending 5 minutes daily in the morning in front of mirror and praising yourself. Yes, this seems a little crazy and may seem foolish but believe me it would worth it. All you have to do is look at that awesome person in the mirror and give a high five to him.
The Mirror Theory
Start praising yourself and say all the beautiful things you could think of. Ignore the little flaws you have and moreover believe that you don’t have any flaws. No one is perfect everyone has some flaws stop being hard on yourself at least for those 5 minutes. Because you are what you see in mirror. For ex if you see yourself as an ugly person then you will come out as an ugly 
personality but if you make sure that the person that lives in the place called mirror is awesome and wonderful then you will probably come out as a strong personality. Its simple.

Show the gratitude. Be thankful for everything you are and you have. It will increase your self esteem and confidence. All day you will feel more confident and positive. A little gratitude can change your whole life and the way you see life. Life is what you see and what you want from it. Your subconscious mind gets trained by "The Mirror Theory" and you start seeing yourself as a more worthy person and happiness and success will come to you. Least of all you will always remain happy.

Practice it a week and tell me how much does it help. J