
Impossible is possible

Nothing is impossible

Impossible is definitely a word in my dictionary but its a word for cowards and people who will never taste success, the people who are afraid to take risk and bring change in the world. One has to be innovative and should be able to take risk and whiling to move forward and grow in life. People using the word impossible will live a ordinary life and would die without leaving a impact on this world. Ordinary mind make mockery of those who try to accomplish "the impossible", they will try to undermine them. Don't pay attention to these people, they will never achieve anything. Each and every technology we are using these days were "impossible" according to bunch of world. Only few courages people believed in making so called impossible things possible. Impossible is possible for some.

If Wright brothers would have listened to everyone we would still have to travel in trains and it would taken us a lot more time to travel, the globalisation wouldn't have been possible and we would have be living in a whole different world. I could quote here many such examples how the impossible has been done again and again.

So my friends Impossible is possible.

Don't fall in loop of impossible and live your whole life taking risk and trying to breakthrough the impossible.