
8 Reasons Why You Are Not Successful

1. No plan

No plan

Having no plan can be really dangerous. Its like sitting in a taxi which have high fare and not knowing where to go or how to reach your destination. The loss is that you won't have a idea as to which road to take and soon you will run out of money. Planning helps you discover your path and will build confidence in you. Planning helps you discover your resources and can be used as a blueprint to reach your goal. Organise your life, set goals, make goals keeping time as constraint. You should make plans for short and as well as for long durations. As if, where do you want to see yourself a month from now and 5 years from now.
Without plans your life is like a car without wheels.

2. No Passion


Do it with passion or not at all. Without passion nothing is worth doing, Talent goes in vain if you are not passionate. You have to discover your passion and you should follow it with all your heart. Passion is only key that will help you get out of mediocrity and differentiate you from the rest. Spending your whole life without discovering what you are passionate about can be really scary. Earning money is not a passion. Passion is about being something or doing something. Passion is a rare thing these days.

3. Procrastination


You should never procrastinate things. Procrastination takes more energy than actually getting up and doing the thing. You can never even come closer to success if you keep on procrastinating things. You are going to miss out every opportunity coming  your way. You got to do something? Do it now. Just do it and get over with it. Delaying it even take up more energy than it will actually take to do the work.

Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.
- Wayne Gretzky

4. Lack of persistence

The main problem with today's youth is that they lack Persistence. Anything hard comes in their way they tend to quit. We are soft generations. They give up easily. Don't give up, give more input if it needs. Keep working harder and harder until you succeed. If something hard comes into your way and you feel like quitting and you feel that you can't do it anymore, Just then, Don't quit. Face that problem head to head, you are strong enough to get through that, think positively. Nothing in life comes easy, the earlier we know this, the better. Anything worthy comes with a prize. Just have faith and have believe that you are capable of Living your dream.

5. Ego


Ego is simply a person's sense of self importance. Ego is really dangerous and can cause our own harm if not handled properly. A person should not be egoistic and disguised in pride. Ego is just building up a false image of yourself. Its like covering your soul with a mask. Self respect should not be confused by ego. Self respect is respecting yourself and not lowering your standards for some materialistic thing. Its like knowing that you are worthy of everything you want in life. That you are important and you will never lower your self esteem for anyone or for anything.

6. No Self respect

Self Respect knows no Consideration - Mahatma Gandhi

Respect you efforts, Respect yourself. Self Respect leads to Self discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt , that's Real power - Clint Estwood

Self Respect is the real key to Happiness. Don't put key to your Happiness in someone else pocket. If you can't respect yourself than who will? God have created you and he can't create any ordinary thing, You are extraordinary. you just have to discover your capabilities. Self acceptance leads to quality attitude and positive thinking. One thing feeds another and everything starts with respecting yourself. Build self esteem and people will start believing in you and will start to follow you. The world needs more Leaders. One of the best quality of leader is that he is confident and confidence is nothing but having faith in oneself and knowing that you can and you will. So the confidence will come from respecting yourself. Whoever you are, what ever you have been, it doesn't matter, accept yourself and if you need to change in order to achieve your goal then change but don't doubt yourself.


7. Everything seems impossible
Nothing is impossible

Impossible is definitely a word in my dictionary but its a word for cowards and people who will never taste success, the people who are afraid to take risk and bring change in the world. One has to be innovative and should be able to take risk and whiling to move forward and grow in life. People using the word impossible will live a ordinary life and would die without leaving a impact on this world. Each and every technology we are using these days were "impossible" according to bunch of world. Only few courages people believed in making so called impossible things possible.

If Wright brothers would have listened to everyone we would still have to travel in trains and it would taken us a lot more time to travel, the globalisation wouldn't have been possible and we would have be living in a whole different world. I could quote here many such examples how the impossible has been done again and again.

Don't fall in loop of impossible and live your whole life taking risk and trying to breakthrough the impossible.

8. Family Responsibility

Family Responsibility

Family responsibility is the reason why people are not able to take risk. One get to much involved in handling and providing for the family that he or she has sacrifice their dreams and goals. Speacially female all over the world sacrifice their everything for their children. Having a family and its responsibility is best thing that can happen to you but if you don't manage things then you will have to say goodbye to your dreams.

You have to overcome these things. Breakthrough them come out shinning. You are WORTHY of living a better life.