So let’s
learn how to master law of attraction
by following simple steps-
Make a Wish list
Ask Universe for it
Make your request from the universe and universe shall answer. Visualize
the things you want and feel as if you already have it. Send Universe the
picture of what you want. Universe is far more powerful than we can imagine. If
you want a car, see yourself driving that car, holding its staring, feeling it.
Going out with your family in that car. The more you visualize the better it
gets. Never doubt universe.
Feel it
This is the most important of all points, this where everything starts. Start
feeling like you already have what you want. You must act, speak, and think as
if you are receiving it now. Sometimes if you do this you don't feel like you
need it anymore because you FEEL like you already have it! And then the
universe will manifest this thought and feeling and you will receive it.
Show Gratitude
Always wear a smile on your face. Be thankful for whatever you have and
expect more but don’t complain. All what people like to do is complaint and not
do anything about their situation. As you feel grateful you shift your focus
from problems in life to the things you are grateful for and that’s what needed
the most. You will happy and you feel calmness inside your head. Let gratitude
be the fuel of your body and you will be a completely changed person. This
change will be for good and will be worth it, you will see how your whole
starts turning out to be brighter and brighter day by day.
Trust in Universe
“Have complete faith in universe.” I have been repeating this line a
lot because that what people do is they doubt on universe and then complaint
that why it isn’t working for them but for everybody. If things don’t happen
immediately be patient, don’t lose hope. Keep visualizing it coming to you.
Faith and hope is the most important factor that helps you get anything.
Without faith you will always end up being unhappy and having nothing.
Paste your wish list on a place where you will see it at least twice a
day. Read that list twice a day and repeat all the steps daily. You will see
the results coming.
Follow the action plan and say goodbye to half of your worries. For the Rest
I’m always there to Help you.
“ All that you need is either already yours or on its way to
you, you just need to align yourself with the Universe” – Awesome Aj
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